Larry's Inklings
Reflections on Christian theological, spiritual, and religious thought and practice as well as question of peace and justice.
Larry's Inklings
32 The Quest / Meeting Jesus On the Road
This episode asks the question "What did the cross accomplished? What is it? this episode asks, that really killed Jesus. Was Jesus's death somehow an atonement for humanity's sins? Using N.T. Wright's metaphor of a suitcase. He says words and expression like the cross, atonement, sacrifice, forgiveness, and ascension are not things. They are stories. They are stories than can be folded up and packed together, like folding our clothes and packing them together in a suit case for a trip. Or, changing his metaphor somewhat, Wright suggests that words like atonement, or I think even more clearly expressions like the cross, are like a suitcase itself into which the longer biblical story is folded up.