Larry's Inklings
Reflections on Christian theological, spiritual, and religious thought and practice as well as question of peace and justice.
52 episodes
52 The Quest / Awakening
The spiritual quest is an awakening. Most of the people you meet on the street, regardless of their status or achievements are asleep. But the Christian spiritual life is about being awake –– about having a "dawn" within...

51 The Quest / The Beloved Community
This episode continues to explore Christian spirituality as a spirituality in which community is essential, and faces squarely the reality that there are times when the church is neither beloved nor community ––times in which the institut...

50 The Quest / The Beloved Community
Looks at the church, when it is truly the church, as community –– The Beloved Community of Christ. Did Jesus intend to create a church? What about the terrible things done by the church as established authority? Can I just be a Christian at lar...

49 The Quest // Claiming the Marks of Christ
Saint Paul speaks frequently of being led by the Spirit, walking in the Spirit, living in the Spirit. But what does Spirit walking mean when considered as a mark of Christ –– the stigmata of Christ?

48 The Quest / Claiming the Marks of Christ
This episode, number 48 of "The Quest / Claiming the Marks of Christ, looks at the marks of wisdom, listening, and knowledge of God's will (God's dream for humanity) as identifying marks of walking the kairotic path –– the "redeeming o...

47 The Quest / Claiming the Marks of Christ
Continues to explore Christian spiritual transformation –– what it means to bear the marks, or stomata, of Christ –– particularly in light of Jesus's saying: "You shall know them by the fruit they bear." The meaning of Galatians the fifth chapt...

46 The Quest / Claiming the Marks of Christ
Podcast 46 The Quest / Claiming the Marks of Christ continues the discussion of faith begun in Episode 45 as the Stigmate of Christ. Faith is considered not only as mental belief, but also as qualities that are beyond belief –– trust, sur...

45 The Quest / Claiming the Marks of Christ
Looks at the multiple meanings of faith (all of them necessary), and finds faith to be "beyond belief." Faith is the foundation that makes everything in life worthwhile. Like love it is a way of insight and understanding; and, therefore,&...

44 The Quest / Claiming the Marks of Christ
This episode, number 44 in The Quest Series, continues to explore the question of what are the identifying marks, the "stigmata," of Christ that the Apostle Paul talks about in his letter to the Galatians. In doing so it notes that one need not...

43 The Quest // Claiming the Marks of Christ
Episode 43, "Claiming the Marks of Christ," begins a new chapter in The Quest series of podcasts. What are the spiritual marks, the stigmata, identifying the Christian –– the people of the Way? Can we make that determination o...

42 The Quest / Meeting Jesus On the Road
42 The Quest / Meeting Jesus On the Road reflects on the resurrection of Christ as a reason for placing faith in him. There is also a brief summary outline of the various factors that lead to a reasonable faith in Christ––faith both as mental a...

41 The Quest / Meeting Jesus On the Road
The is a reflection of beauty as a path to God. It reasserts the belief of the ancient philosophers that the true, the good, and the beautiful are one. We are mysteriously drawn to the source of beauty, and just as God is love, so God is the be...

40 The Quest / Meeting Jesus On the Road
Proposes that the Old Testament Scriptures (both as prophecy and Salvation History) communicate a consistent and coherent message from God which finds its culmination in Jesus Christ, and that the teachings of Jesus are self-veri...

39 The Quest / Meeting Jesus On the Road (Why I Believe in Christ)
This episode( 39 of The Quest) begins a statement of personal belief in Jesus of Nazareth as Christ and Lord –– "Why I Believe in Christ?" In doing so it also notes the different nuances of the one Greek word "pistes," as belief, as faith, and ...

38 The Quest / Meeting Jesus On the Road
This episode presents those characteristics which indicate that the Gospels are based on "eyewitness testimony," that is, on what those who present for events and/or in close contact with those who were present report what they believe they saw...

37 The Quest / Meeting Jesus On the Road
Using the historical data from the Book of Acts argues that Acts was composed between 62 and 64 C.E.; and, that the Gospels, which were written earlier than Acts must be given an early date of composition. This episode also very briefly n...

36 The Quest / Meeting Jesus On the Road
One of the most frequently strategies used today for denying the truth claims of the Gospels is to argue they were written long after Jesus's death, and so are full of fables and tales of things that were never said and never happened, bu...

35 The Quest / Meeting Jesus On the Road
Reflects on Christ as the Pantokrator –– the Cosmic Christ who cannot be separated from Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified under Pontius Pilate on a hill just outside Jerusalem in the year 33 of the Common Era.

34 The Quest / Meeting Jesus On the Road
This sixth podcast from Chapter Three , "Meeting Jesus On the Road," focuses on what the Second Coming (Parousia) of Christ, as well as judgment, or accountability for what we do with the gift of our life, and our state beyond death have to do ...

33 The Quest / Meeting Jesus On the Road
This episode continues to explore the question "What Did the Cross Accomplish?" Specifically it looks at the atonement as the way in which whatever is wrong between us and God is set right by Christ's death; and, how the ascension is about our ...

32 The Quest / Meeting Jesus On the Road
This episode asks the question "What did the cross accomplished? What is it? this episode asks, that really killed Jesus. Was Jesus's death somehow an atonement for humanity's sins? Using N.T. Wright's metaphor of a suitcase. He says words and ...

31 The Quest / Meeting Jesus On the Road
Continues to consider what we can know about Jesus by listening to the impression, observation, and experiences of his closest follower and friends. Specifically it deals with their perception of Jesus as a healer and exorcist. This episo...

30 The Quest / Meeting Jesus on the Road
Continues to look for the most common characteristics of who Jesus was by considering the beliefs, perceptions, impression, feelings and thoughts of Jesus's friends and followers. Here in this episode their perceptions of Jesus as a "miracle wo...